Sunday, October 19, 2014

Corn Maze Thoughts.

We had been in the corn maze for 15 minutes. Although it was dark, you could hear people all around. Those yelling, Marco! Polo! in hopes of being reunited. The group of high school girls talking about a girl in their class and which boy they had a crush on that week. The excitement of a family finding the next clue at a fork in the maze, and once solved, would indicate whether to go right or left. The group of cousins who were loudly singing Christmas carols, while making their way through the maze. They were my least favorite to encounter. 

As we looked around, you could see a bridge that overlooked the maze with a group of kids throwing down whatever was in their pockets at those lost below. Not wanting something thrown at me, we made our way deeper into the maze. We saw those over the age of 40 with their flashlight app on, lighting their path to what they hoped was the exit. 

We wanted to continue through the corn maze in the dark, so we stopped to get some distance from the flashlight group. I took out my polaroid camera and asked my Dad to take a picture of me and my sisters. This was a moment I wanted to remember, seeing that this would be the last time the three of us would be together for a year and a half. The flash was so bright, that I saw dots for a couple of seconds as we continued our way through the maze. 

It wasn't much longer that we made it to the end and I was able to see the developed picture. I know the above picture is pixilated, but the original is perfect and hanging up in my room. Whenever I see this polaroid, I am reminded of everything that happened that night and that I love everything about October.